Why Lucy Likes Me Better

This is our cat, Lucy.

Lucy is a big baby. She’s afraid of strangers. She runs and hides at the slightest suggestion that any human other than Brett or me might come into the house.

She also loves to cuddle. With me… not so much with Brett. She has been known to walk over Brett’s lap to sit on mine.

I think I know why.

My  lap is very squishy. Brett is slim and trim. I’m rounded and curvy.

Also, I eat sardines on Saturdays and I always give her a piece.

So, it you want cats to like you, be fat and give them fish. There’s no way you can lose.


Seven Quick Takes, Volume 51

— 1 —

I’m going to try to do the quickest takes possible today and next week I’ll write them on Thursday evening so I don’t take up time at work. I only write during downtime and now I don’t have much. Thus my absence from the blog this week.

— 2 —

I have a bump on the white of my eye. Dr. Google says it’s probably not serious, but its driving me crazy. It feels like I have something in my eye. And I looked up my eye doctor and it seems that he is no longer at the same practice. I guess I should go more often.

— 3 —

I should also go to the dentist more often, but I don’t have any dental problems currently.

— 4 —

It was a nice Independence Day, despite the blistering heat. I watched my husband, uncle, brother-in-law, cousins and a few friends lose twice in a double elimination softball tournament. It was merciful that they lost the second game, because otherwise they’d have been playing all day in 100-degree heat.

— 5 —

I made tabbouleh last night, but I substituted brown rice for the bulgur. I have rice in my kitchen every day… not so for bulgur. It was pretty tasty. I should have made a double batch – I still have rice, parsley, green onions, peppers, cucumber, and I would have loved to have it for lunch today.

— 6 —

The bunnies have been having a pretty good summer. I hope this continues. The last two summers, we had one or more get hairballs and try to quit eating. In that case, you have to force feed them, which believe me, is not fun. I like it when they’re healthy.

Ruby, Midnight, Emmet, and April

— 7 —

Today is the feast day of this young lady, a Saint to whom Brett is particularly devoted.

Despite the fact that St. Maria Goretti lived during the photographic era, I’ve never seen a photo of her. I think her family was too poor.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Seven Quick Takes Friday, 22 July 2011

Visit Jen at Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes, and get in on the fun!


Oh. my. goodness. It is hot.


This heat has really sapped my creativity and motivation. I have some sewing projects all cut out and completely unsewn on my dining room table. I haven’t touched them for a week or more, except to move them out of the way. It took me kicking myself until 9:00 last night, which is my self-imposed deadline for a blog post per week to start writing yesterday’s post. I also had clean laundry in my bedroom from Monday that I just folded yesterday. I hate having clean laundry sitting around and not putting it away. This will probably change when I have children…


The rabbits aren’t too fond of the hot weather either. They laze around, and even if you open their cages, they might not come out. We have been giving them frozen water bottles to play with to try to help them stay cool.


The cat doesn’t seem to mind the heat too much. If anything, it has made her clingier. After months of never sitting on B.’s lap, yesterday she decided to hop up. ON THE HOTTEST DAY OF THE YEAR (I hope).


Although hot soup doesn’t sound like a great idea for this weather, I made lovely homemade chicken soup (from scratch except bagged whole wheat noodles) on Tuesday. I find that eating soup is actually a good idea for very hot weather, because it is so hydrating. The soup had whole chicken breasts, which B. so kindly boiled down for me for a couple of hours. When I got home, I took the chicken out of the pot, put the skin and bones back in, and let it simmer while I cut up potatoes, onions, carrots, and green beans. I took the skin and bones out of the pot, added the veggies with some minced garlic, thyme, parsley, a bay leaf and the shredded chicken. After this cooked a little while, I added some bagged whole wheat noodles and cooked it until they were done. The soup was DEE-licious. We had lots of leftovers, so I had a bowl for breakfast yesterday, we had some for dinner last night, we still have some in the fridge, and I froze a quart of it. Cooking for two is not my strong suit. What would have made this soup better? Whole pastured chicken instead of just regular chicken breast, homemade noodles, fresh herbs… but it was pretty good anyway!


I need some yummy ideas for Friday dinners. We have penitentially given up meat on Fridays for quite some time. We have penitentially had an alternating menu of toasted cheese sandwiches or beans and rice for almost as long.


 We are going to my family reunion tomorrow. I have a great track record for showing up, but we don’t intend to stay too long…IT’S HOT!

Have a blessed weekend.

Jeanne G. 

Seven Quick Takes Friday #5

In case you are wondering, Catholicism is not my only interest. Here are seven things I’m interested in other than religion, in no particular order.


Crocheting. I’m currently making presents for my soon-to-be-born nephew.


Gardening. I want to grow my own veggies this year.


My husband. He’s a great guy and I love him.


Music. I love to sing, I play a little bit of flute, guitar, harmonica, and mandolin, and I have a very diverse listening taste. Right now, about the only singing I do is in church choir. Or in the shower.


My family. My family of origin, my extended family, and my future family.


Reading. Right now, I’m digging nonfiction- mostly how-to. I also like children’s fiction, especially fantasy. My favorites are Madeleine L’Engle, C.S. Lewis, and J.K. Rowling. I also like the classics. I had a King Arthur kick in college. I used to read anything I could get my hands on, but now I don’t always seem to have time. I do read a lot of blogs these days.


Animals. I like pets, like my four rabbits and one cat, but I also like wild animals. I love to watch the squirrels and rabbits in my yard, and deer when they come around. I like cute pictures of animals, and I like to watch television shows and documentaries about animals. I watched one about the clouded leopard the other day that was fascinating. Lucy was watching with me and she agreed.

Want to read more folks’ quick takes? Hop over to Conversion Diary and while you’re there, thank Jen for hosting!